SMB Signing

SMB Signing is a security feature in the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol, which is used for network file and printer sharing in Windows environments. SMB signing is designed to add an additional layer of security by ensuring the authenticity and integrity of SMB communications.

SMB signing verifies that the data has not been tampered with in transit. Each packet in the SMB communication is signed with a digital signature, which the receiving party checks to confirm its authenticity.

By verifying that each packet is from the legitimate source, SMB signing can prevent certain types of man-in-the-middle attacks where an attacker might intercept or modify the data being transmitted over the network.

When SMB signing is enabled, each packet in an SMB session is signed with a cryptographic hash. The recipient of the packet calculates its own hash of the packet and compares it to the signature. If the hashes match, it confirms the packet has not been altered. If the hashes do not match, it indicates the packet may have been tampered with, and the recipient can take appropriate action (like dropping the connection).

While SMB signing enhances security, there are scenarios where it can be misconfigured or bypassed:

  1. Performance Overhead: SMB signing can introduce a performance overhead. In some cases, administrators might disable SMB signing for performance reasons, inadvertently weakening security.
  2. Inconsistent Policies: If SMB signing policies are not consistently enforced across the network, certain systems might be left vulnerable to attack. For example, if a client requires SMB signing but connects to a server where SMB signing is optional, the server may allow an unsigned (and potentially insecure) connection.
  3. Fallback to Insecure Connections: Some configurations may allow clients and servers to fall back to using SMB without signing if they cannot establish a signed connection. This fallback can be exploited by attackers to force the use of an unsigned, less secure connection.