
eXtremeDB is a high-performance, in-memory [[Database Management Systems|database management system]] (DBMS) designed for embedded systems and real-time applications. Developed by McObject, eXtremeDB is known for its small footprint, efficiency, and speed.

It's widely used in fields such as telecommunications, industrial control, consumer electronics, military and aerospace, and financial services.

eXtremeDB primarily operates as an in-memory database, storing data directly in the main memory (RAM) of the computer, which provides faster data access compared to disk-based databases.

Its in-memory nature makes eXtremeDB particularly suitable for real-time applications where quick data access and processing are critical. One of the notable features of eXtremeDB is its small code size, making it ideal for embedded systems where memory and storage resources are limited.

eXtremeDB can scale across multiple processors and cores, making it suitable for high-performance computing environments.

It provides [[ACID]] (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliance, ensuring the reliability and integrity of database transactions. eXtremeDB supports [[Structured Query Language|SQL]] querying, which is beneficial for developers familiar with SQL. It also offers a native [[APIs|API]] for more efficient data access.

The system is designed to be cross-platform, supporting a wide range of hardware platforms and operating systems.

eXtremeDB offers a distributed database option, allowing data to be stored across multiple hardware nodes, which can enhance performance and fault tolerance.

eXtremeDB has special features for time series data, making it suitable for financial systems, [[IoT]] applications, and other scenarios where large volumes of sequential data are processed.

eXtremeDB supports high availability configurations and data replication, ensuring continuous operation and data integrity. It offers various options for customization and optimization based on specific application requirements, including different indexing options and storage configurations.

Due to its reliability and performance, eXtremeDB is used in mission-critical applications, including aerospace and defense systems, telecommunications, and financial systems.