File Based Database Management System

A file-based [[Database Management Systems|Database Management System]] (DBMS) is a simple system that manages data in a file-storage mechanism. In this approach, data is stored in plain files, and the file-based system manages access to these files.

This is distinct from more advanced database systems like relational or NoSQL DBMSs, which use a more complex mechanism for data management.

Data is stored in files such as text files, CSV files, or other simple formats. Each file typically represents a table of data, with rows and columns. In file-based systems, operations like data retrieval and manipulation are performed using file handling and processing techniques provided by the programming language or scripts.

File-based DBMSs do not usually support advanced features like complex querying, transaction processing, concurrent access handling, or data integrity enforcement. These systems are straightforward to understand and implement but are limited in their capabilities, especially in handling large volumes of data or complex operations efficiently.

They are used in small-scale or simple applications where the complexity and overhead of a full-fledged DBMS are unnecessary. Examples include small businesses, simple applications, or cases where data usage is minimal and straightforward.