MemSQL, now known as SingleStore, is a distributed, in-memory, [[Structured Query Language|SQL]] [[database management systems|database management system]] known for its high performance and scalability. It is designed to handle both transactions and real-time analytics on large-scale datasets, making it suitable for various applications, including real-time analytics, operational analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

MemSQL combines in-memory row-based and disk-based columnar storage, enabling fast data ingestion and high-speed query performance.

Despite being a [[Non-relational Database|NoSQL]]-style distributed database system, MemSQL supports SQL, including complex joins and subqueries. This makes it compatible with a wide range of existing applications and tools that use standard SQL.

One of the strengths of MemSQL is its capability to perform real-time analytics on streaming data, making it suitable for scenarios where immediate insights are critical. MemSQL is designed as a distributed system, which allows it to scale out horizontally by adding more nodes. This scalability is key for handling large volumes of data and high-concurrency workloads.

MemSQL's architecture allows for high performance and high levels of concurrency, making it well-suited for both operational and analytical workloads in a single platform.

It offers full [[ACID]] (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliance for transaction processing, ensuring data integrity and consistency. The combination of in-memory computing and efficient data storage techniques makes MemSQL very fast, which is particularly beneficial for applications that require rapid data processing.

MemSQL can be deployed both in cloud environments and on-premises, offering flexibility depending on the needs of the business. Common use cases for MemSQL include real-time data warehousing, operational analytics, risk management and monitoring in financial services, [[IoT]] data analysis, and more.

MemSQL rebranded itself as SingleStore, reflecting its expanded capabilities beyond memory-optimized databases to handle various workloads and data types in a single database.