Non-Relational Database

Non-relational databases (often called NoSQL databases) are different from traditional relational databases in that they store their data in a non-tabular form. Instead, non-relational databases might be based on data structures like documents.

A document can be highly detailed while containing a range of different types of information in different formats. This ability to digest and organize various types of information side by side makes non-relational databases much more flexible than relational databases.

Non-relational databases are often used when large quantities of complex and diverse data need to be organized.

For example, a large store might have a database in which each customer has their own document containing all of their information, from name and address to order history and credit card information.

Despite their differing formats, each of these pieces of information can be stored in the same document.

Non-relational databases often perform faster because a query doesn’t have to view several tables in order to deliver an answer, as relational datasets often do. Non-relational databases are therefore ideal for storing data that may be changed frequently or for applications that handle many different kinds of data.

They can support rapidly developing applications requiring a dynamic database able to change quickly and to accommodate large amounts of complex, unstructured data.