
Redis (Remote Dictionary Server) is an open-source, in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker. It stands out for its speed and efficiency, as it stores data in RAM. Redis supports various data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, and geospatial indexes.

Redis stores all data in the main memory, which provides extremely fast access compared to disk-based databases. This makes it ideal for scenarios where quick read and write access to data is required, such as caching.

Unlike traditional [[Relational Database|relational databases]], Redis supports varied and complex data structures. This flexibility allows for specialized use cases and efficient data handling. Despite being an in-memory store, Redis offers options for data persistence, meaning it can save data to disk periodically.

This is achieved through mechanisms like snapshots and append-only files (AOF), ensuring data durability.