Apache CXF

Apache CXF, which stands for "CeltiXfire", is an open-source services framework developed by the Apache Software Foundation. It is used to build and develop web services using standards-based protocols and formats, including SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), REST (Representational State Transfer), and XML - and JSON-based data formats.

Apache CXF supports various web services standards such as SOAP, WSDL (Web Services Description Language), WS-* specifications, and RESTful web services.

Its architecture is highly modular and configurable, making it adaptable to a wide range of use cases. Apache CXF is designed to be lightweight and integrates seamlessly with Spring Framework, which is often used to configure CXF components.

CXF allows for the creation of both SOAP-based services (using WSDL) and RESTful services (using annotations or XML configuration). It supports the creation of clients and endpoints for these services.

It can handle various data formats including XML, JSON, and others, and is equipped with data binding support for JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding). Apache CXF simplifies the development of web services through its straightforward APIs and annotations, reducing the boilerplate code typically associated with such tasks.

It includes comprehensive support for web services security (WS-Security), including message encryption, decryption, and authentication. Being based on industry standards, services developed with Apache CXF are interoperable with other web services platforms and clients that adhere to the same standards.

Apache CXF can be integrated with various Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE)|Java EE technologies, including Java Servlets, EJBs, JMS, and more. Developers can extend the functionality of Apache CXF through its plug-in architecture, allowing for custom features and extensions.