ASP.NET is an open-source web framework for building web apps on theĀ .NET framework. It is created by Microsoft and version 1.0 was released in 2002 to allow developers to build dynamic web apps, services, and sites. The framework is built to work with the standard HTTP protocol, which is the standard protocol used across all web applications.

ASP.NET is the successor to the ASP (Active Server Pages) technology and was a significant upgrade in terms of flexibility and power. It is an extension of the .NET platform with additional tools and libraries specifically for building things on the web, including web apps and websites.

The latest version of ASP.NET is the cross-platform version that was initially called ASP.NET Core, which was released in 2016. In November 2020, Microsoft simplified the name and removed "Core" from the name.

ASP.NET is still supported and updated, but moving forward the focus for Microsoft is to develop the new cross-platform version.