Apache Struts

Apache Struts is an open-source web application framework used for developing Java-based enterprise web applications. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and is designed to simplify and streamline the development of web applications.

MVC Architecture:

  • Model: Represents the application's data and business logic.
  • View: Deals with the presentation and user interface.
  • Controller: Manages the flow of the application, handling user input and interacting with the model and view.

Struts uses actions (Java classes) to process user requests, providing a clear separation of concerns. Struts includes custom JSP tag libraries to facilitate the creation of dynamic and interactive web pages. Used for encapsulating and validating user input. Allow developers to add functionality to the request processing workflow.

Struts applications are typically configured using XML files, specifying mappings between URLs, actions, and resources. Struts provides a built-in validation framework that simplifies the validation of user input.

Struts can be integrated with various technologies such as JavaServer Pages (JSP), JavaBeans, and custom tag libraries. Struts provides a set of tag libraries for creating forms, handling errors, and managing control flow.

Struts supports internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n), allowing applications to be adapted for different languages and regions. Struts includes features for managing security concerns, such as protection against common web application vulnerabilities.

Struts 1 and Struts 2 are two major versions of the framework. Struts 2 is considered more modern and flexible, with improved features and a different architecture compared to Struts 1. Apache Struts is commonly used for building enterprise-level web applications in Java.