Apache Struts 2

Apache Struts 2 is an open-source web application framework for developing Java web applications. It is part of the Apache Struts project and is designed to simplify the development of web applications by providing an MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture and various features for handling web requests and responses.

MVC Architecture:

  • Model: Represents the application's data and business logic.
  • View: Displays the user interface and receives user input.
  • Controller: Manages the flow of the application, handling requests, and interacting with the model and view.

Struts 2 provides tag libraries for creating UI components, making it easier to develop dynamic and interactive web pages. Interceptors in Struts 2 allow developers to apply cross-cutting concerns, such as logging, validation, and security, to the application's actions. It includes a powerful validation framework for declarative validation of user input.

Struts 2 integrates with various technologies and libraries, including JavaServer Pages (JSP), JavaBeans, and custom tag libraries. Struts 2 uses XML or annotation-based configuration, providing flexibility in defining actions, results, and interceptors.

Struts 2 supports the development of RESTful web services by providing annotations and conventions for creating RESTful actions. Developers can extend Struts 2 functionality through plug-ins, allowing for customization and integration with other frameworks.

Struts 2 includes features to address security concerns, such as protection against common web application vulnerabilities like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).

While Apache Struts 2 offers powerful features for web application development, it's important for developers to follow best practices, especially regarding security, to prevent vulnerabilities such as OGNL injection, which has been a concern in the past. Regular updates and adherence to secure coding practices are recommended to ensure the robustness of applications built with Apache Struts 2.