Tornado is an open-source web application framework and asynchronous networking library for Python. It is designed to handle asynchronous and non-blocking I/O operations, making it well-suited for building scalable and high-performance web applications.
Tornado is built on an event-driven architecture, allowing it to handle a large number of simultaneous connections without the need for threads or processes. This makes it particularly suitable for building real-time web applications.
Tornado has built-in support for WebSockets, enabling bidirectional communication between the client and the server. This is especially useful for building applications that require low-latency communication, such as chat applications and real-time collaboration tools.
Tornado uses a handler-based architecture where developers define request handlers to process different types of HTTP requests. Each handler is responsible for handling a specific route or URL pattern.
Tornado includes its own HTTP server implementation, allowing developers to deploy Tornado applications without the need for additional web servers like Apache or Nginx. It can also be integrated with other web servers if needed.
Tornado includes a simple template engine for generating dynamic HTML content. Templates use a syntax similar to Python code and allow for embedding dynamic data. Tornado integrates well with other asynchronous libraries, including those for database access, allowing developers to build end-to-end asynchronous applications.
Tornado provides mechanisms for handling user authentication and authorization, making it suitable for building secure web applications. Tornado has an active community, and there is documentation available to help developers get started with the framework. It is commonly used for building web applications, APIs, and services.
A simple example of a Tornado application:
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.write("Hello, Tornado!")
def make_app():
return tornado.web.Application([
(r"/", MainHandler),
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = make_app()
In this example, a basic Tornado application is defined with a single route ("/") that is handled by the MainHandler
class. The application listens on port 8888.