
The grep command in Unix and Unix-like operating systems is a powerful tool used for searching plain-text data for lines that match a given regular expression. Its name comes from the ed command g/re/p (globally search a regular expression and print). grep is widely used for searching in files, or combined with other commands in pipelines for various text-processing tasks.

Some basic examples include:

grep "search_string" filename.txt

This command will search for search_string in filename.txt and print lines where the string is found.

grep -i "search_string" filename.txt

The -i option makes the search case-insensitive.

grep -c "search_string" filename.txt

The -c option will count the number of lines that match the search string.

grep -n "search_string" filename.txt

The -n option prints the line number before each matching line.

grep -r "search_string" /path/to/directory

The -r option tells grep to recursively search all files in the specified directory and its subdirectories.

grep -v "search_string" filename.txt

The -v option inverts the match, showing only the lines that do not contain the search string.

grep "^[0-9]" filename.txt

This searches for lines in filename.txt that start with a number. grep supports regular expressions for more complex pattern matching.

grep -A 2 "search_string" filename.txt  # Show 2 lines after the match
grep -B 2 "search_string" filename.txt  # Show 2 lines before the match
grep -C 2 "search_string" filename.txt  # Show 2 lines before and after the match

This displays lines before and after the matches.

grep -e "string1" -e "string2" filename.txt

The -e option allows you to specify multiple search patterns.

cat filename.txt | grep "search_string"

Here, grep is used to filter the output of another command (cat in this case).