JDBI (Java Database Connectivity Interface) is a [[Java]] library that provides a convenient, idiomatic approach to handle [[Structured Query Language|SQL]] databases in Java. It's designed to simplify database access by providing a more natural Java API for handling [[JDBC]] (Java Database Connectivity).

JDBI streamlines the process of connecting to a database, executing SQL queries, and mapping results to Java objects. JDBI aims to offer a simpler alternative to traditional JDBC by reducing the boilerplate code required for database operations, making it more efficient and readable.

One of the key features of JDBI is its SQL Object API, which allows developers to use annotations to define SQL queries and operations in interfaces, providing a declarative style of programming.

JDBI makes it easy to map the results of SQL queries to Java objects. It can automatically handle the conversion of database rows to Java objects, reducing the manual effort required in JDBC.

Alongside the SQL Object API, JDBI also offers a Fluent API that allows for building and executing SQL queries in a more dynamic and fluid manner. JDBI can be integrated with popular Java frameworks and libraries, making it a flexible choice for database operations in Java applications.

It provides straightforward transaction management, making it easier to handle complex transaction scenarios with less risk of errors. JDBI supports customization and extension, allowing developers to plug in custom mappers, handlers, and other components as needed. JDBI supports a variety of SQL operations including queries, updates, batch operations, and more.

It's designed to work easily with existing databases without the need to change the database schema or write a lot of additional code.