LaTeX (pronounced "LAY-tech" or "LAH-tech") is a typesetting system commonly used for the production of scientific and mathematical documents due to its powerful handling of formulas and bibliographic references. It is widely used in academia, especially in the fields of mathematics, computer science, engineering, physics, chemistry, economics, linguistics, and quantitative psychology.

LaTeX is known for producing high-quality, professional-looking documents, particularly those containing mathematical symbols and notations. It allows for precise control over layout and content formatting, making it suitable for complex documents like academic papers, theses, and books. LaTeX separates content from layout, allowing authors to focus on writing without worrying about formatting details.

LaTeX, in conjunction with tools like BibTeX, excels in managing bibliographies and citations, a vital feature for academic writing. A wide range of packages (extensions) are available for LaTeX, enabling additional functionalities like hyperlinks, PDF creation, complex graphics, and color support.

LaTeX is not a word processor but a markup language. Users write their documents in plain text format with commands that describe its structure and presentation. LaTeX then processes this source text and commands to produce a formatted document.

A simple LaTeX document might look like this:

\title{Introduction to LaTeX}
\author{John Doe}
This is a simple document in LaTeX.
LaTeX is great for typesetting mathematics, like \( E=mc^2 \).

This code, when compiled with LaTeX, produces a document with a title, an author, sections, and a math formula.

  • Writing: The user writes the document in LaTeX syntax.
  • Compiling: The LaTeX engine processes the text and commands to create a formatted document, typically in PDF format.

LaTeX is the de facto standard for many types of academic and scientific publications. Its plain text nature makes it ideal for collaborative writing and version control, which are essential in research environments.