MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism) is a standard extension to the [[SOAP]] (Simple Object Access Protocol) messaging protocol. It is designed to optimize the transmission of binary data, such as images or documents, in SOAP messages. MTOM allows for more efficient handling of binary content by separating it from the [[Extensible Markup Language|XML]]-based SOAP message and transmitting it as optimized binary attachments.

MTOM enables the efficient transmission of binary data by separating it from the XML payload of the SOAP message. Binary data is sent as separate [[MIME-Type|MIME]] attachments. Without MTOM, binary data in SOAP messages is often encoded using [[Base64]], which can increase the size of the message and add processing overhead. MTOM replaces Base64 encoding with a more efficient binary encoding.

By sending binary data as separate attachments, MTOM reduces the overall size of the SOAP message. This is particularly beneficial for scenarios where large binary content needs to be transmitted. MTOM can improve the performance of SOAP-based web services, especially when dealing with large binary payloads. The optimized transmission of binary data can result in faster communication between service providers and consumers.

MTOM is designed to be compatible with existing SOAP infrastructures. It does not introduce significant changes to the SOAP protocol but enhances its capabilities for handling binary content.

In [[Java]], when using JAX-WS (Java API for XML-Based Web Services) to develop SOAP web services, MTOM can be enabled by annotating the service endpoint with @MTOM:

import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;

public class MyMtomWebService {

    public DataHandler getImage() {
        // Code to retrieve and return binary data (e.g., image)

The @MTOM annotation is used to enable MTOM for the web service. The getImage method returns a DataHandler object, which is a standard Java API for representing binary data. The use of @MTOM indicates that the binary data should be transmitted efficiently using MTOM.