MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel. It's a software architectural pattern primarily used in building user interfaces. This pattern facilitates a clear separation of concerns, which makes it easier to manage complex user interfaces and enables more efficient code reuse and greater testability.

  1. Model: This represents the data and business logic of the application. It's where your data objects and business rules reside. The model notifies the ViewModel of any changes in data (usually through property notifications or observable patterns) so that the ViewModel can update the View accordingly.
  2. View: This is the user interface of the application. It displays the data (provided by the ViewModel) and delegates user inputs to the ViewModel. The View is usually a passive interface, waiting to be given instructions on what to display, rather than asking for data. It focuses purely on the visual elements, such as buttons, text fields, and graphics.
  3. ViewModel: Acting as an intermediary between the Model and the View, the ViewModel handles most of the view's logic. It receives user inputs from the View, processes them (which may involve querying or updating the Model), and then provides feedback to the View. The ViewModel transforms data from the Model in such a way that the data becomes easily manageable and presentable for the View.


In essence, MVVM enhances the separation of the graphical user interface (the View) from the development of the business logic or back-end logic (the Model). This is particularly useful in web and mobile app development environments where the separation allows for more efficient development and testing processes, and better maintainability.

Some of the key benefits of MVVM include:

  • Improved testability: Since business logic is separated from UI code, it's easier to test the ViewModel without involving the View.
  • Easier maintenance and extendability: Changes in the View do not directly affect the Model, and vice versa.
  • Better support for two-way data binding: Changes in the backend data (Model) can automatically reflect in the UI (View) and user interactions with the UI can directly update the data model.