
Saxon refers to two related software products developed by Saxonica:

Saxon-HE (Home Edition): Saxon-HE is an open-source [[XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations)]] and [[XQuery]] processor. It is written in [[Java]] and provides implementations of the XSLT 2.0, XSLT 3.0, and XQuery 3.1 specifications. Saxon-HE is freely available for download and can be used in both commercial and non-commercial projects. It is widely used for transforming [[Extensible Markup Language|XML]] documents and querying XML data.

Saxon-PE (Professional Edition) and Saxon-EE (Enterprise Edition): Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE are commercial versions of the Saxon processor that provide additional features and capabilities compared to the free Saxon-HE version. These editions include features such as schema-aware XSLT and XQuery processing, streaming transformations, and enhanced performance optimizations. Saxon-EE also supports XSLT 3.0 and XQuery 3.1 standards.

Saxon is known for its high level of standards compliance, performance, and feature-rich implementation of XSLT and XQuery specifications. It is widely used in various industries and projects for XML processing tasks, including transforming XML documents into different formats, querying XML data, and applying stylesheets to achieve specific presentation or transformation requirements.