Default Ports

A default port is a port number that is configured by default to accept internet connections and packets from specific services, using protocols like User Datagram Protocol (UDP) or Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).

For instance, to access web servers, port 80 is mostly open by default. Most devices enable HTTP Protocol communications between web servers and browsers over port 80 by default.

Some common ports and services include:

Port Service \
21 File Transfer Protocol
22 Secure Shell
23 Telnet
25 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
53 DNS
69 Trivial File Transfer Protocol
80 HTTP Protocol
88 Kerberos Authentication
110 Post Office Protocol
111 RPC Protocol
119 Network Time Protocol
135 Microsoft Remote Procedure Call
139/445 Server Message Block
143/993 Internet Message Access Protocol
161/162 Simple Network Management Protocol
389/636 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
443 HTTPS Protocol
995 Post Office Protocol Secure
1433 Microsoft SQL Server
1521 Oracle Database
2049 Network File Share
3306 MySQL (KB)
3389 Remote Desktop Protocol
5900 Virtual Network Computing
8080 HTTP Protocol/Web Services