
fprintf is a function in the C standard library used for formatted output to a stream. It is similar to printf, but instead of writing output to the standard output (typically the screen), fprintf writes the output to the specified file stream. The function prototype is:

int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);

fprintf takes a file stream (like a file pointer returned by fopen) and a format string followed by an unspecified number of additional arguments. The vulnerabilities in fprintf are generally related to the format string. If an attacker can control the format string, they might exploit it in a way similar to Format String Vulnerabilities in printf.

If the format string is not properly specified and user input is passed directly as a format string, it can lead to a format string vulnerability. An attacker might provide a format string that causes fprintf to perform unauthorized operations like reading from or writing to arbitrary memory locations. If fprintf is used to write more data to a buffer than it can hold, it can lead to buffer overflow vulnerabilities.

Consider a program that uses fprintf to write user input to a file:

FILE *fp;
char user_input[100];

fp = fopen("log.txt", "w");
scanf("%99s", user_input);  // Read user input
fprintf(fp, user_input);   // Vulnerable

In this example, user_input is directly used in fprintf as a format string. An attacker could input a string like %x %x %x to potentially leak memory contents into the log.txt file. More maliciously, they could use %n to write values to memory, leading to code execution vulnerabilities.