
fread() is a built-in function in PHP used to read data from a file or a file-like resource. This function is commonly used for file handling operations in PHP, where it reads a specified number of bytes from a file pointer.

The syntax is:

fread(resource $handle, int $length): string|false
  • $handle: A file system pointer resource that is typically created using fopen().
  • $length: The number of bytes to read from the file or resource.

fread() returns the read string of up to $length bytes on success, or false on failure. A simple example showing how to open a file, read its contents and close the file is as follows:

$filename = "example.txt";

// Open the file for reading
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");

if ($handle) {
    // Read the entire file
    // filesize() gets the size of the file for the length parameter
    $contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename));

    // Close the file handle

    // Print the contents of the file
    echo $contents;
} else {
    echo "Error: Unable to open the file.";

In this example, fopen() is used to open the file named example.txt in read mode ("r"). The fread() function then reads the entire file by using filesize($filename) to determine the length of the file in bytes. After reading, the file is closed using fclose($handle).

fread() itself in PHP is not inherently vulnerable, but like any file operation function, it can become part of a vulnerability if used improperly, particularly in scenarios where the file being read is determined by user input. The main security concern with fread() is not the function itself, but how the file paths and data are handled.

If the file path provided to fread() comes from an untrusted source (like user input) without proper validation and sanitization, it can lead to a security vulnerability known as Directory Traversal or Path Traversal.

An example of a vulnerable scenario is:

// Example of a vulnerable use of fread()

$userFile = $_GET['file'];  // File name comes from user input
$filePath = "uploads/" . $userFile;

$handle = fopen($filePath, "r");
if ($handle) {
    $contents = fread($handle, filesize($filePath));
    echo $contents;

In this example, a file name is taken directly from user input via $_GET['file']. If the application doesn't validate or sanitize this input, an attacker could potentially read arbitrary files from the server by supplying a relative path (like ../../etc/passwd).