
The include() function in PHP is a widely-used construct that allows a PHP file to insert and execute the content of another file into the current file. This is particularly useful for reusing code, such as headers, footers, or user-defined functions, across multiple pages of a website.

The include() function can be a security risk if not properly handled, especially in scenarios where the file to be included is determined by user input. This risk arises from a vulnerability known as "Local File Inclusion" (LFI) or, in some cases, "Remote File Inclusion" (RFI):

  1. Local File Inclusion (LFI): This occurs when a script allows user-controlled input to dictate which files are included. An attacker could exploit this to include files that are already on the server, such as configuration files containing sensitive information.
  2. Remote File Inclusion (RFI): This is possible if the include() function is configured to allow the inclusion of remote files (files located on a different server). An attacker can use this to include malicious files from a remote server, leading to various attacks such as code execution, data theft, or server compromise.

A basic example may be:

// This will include 'header.php' in the current file.

// Rest of the page content goes here

// This will include 'footer.php' in the current file.

Whereas a vulnerable example may be:

// A more secure approach using whitelisting
$allowed_pages = ['home', 'contact', 'about'];
$page = $_GET['page'];

if (in_array($page, $allowed_pages)) {
    include($page . '.php');
} else {
    echo 'Page not found.';


In this example, if a user can control the value of $_GET['page'], they might be able to include files like config.php by accessing the URL

A more secure example may be:

// A more secure approach using whitelisting
$allowed_pages = ['home', 'contact', 'about'];
$page = $_GET['page'];

if (in_array($page, $allowed_pages)) {
    include($page . '.php');
} else {
    echo 'Page not found.';

In this secure example, the include() only happens if the user input matches one of the predefined and allowed pages, significantly reducing the risk of LFI attacks.