
The jQuery parseHTML() function is used to parse a string of HTML into an array of DOM nodes. This function is particularly useful when you need to manipulate or examine HTML content provided as a string before inserting it into the document.

parseHTML() takes a string of HTML and parses it into a collection of DOM nodes. This allows you to manipulate the nodes using jQuery methods before they are inserted into the DOM.

The syntax is:

$.parseHTML(htmlString, context, keepScripts)
  • htmlString - HTML string to be parsed
  • context - document in which the nodes will be created. Defaults to current document
  • keepScripts - a boolean indicating whether to include script elements in the parsed HTML string. By default set to false to prevent script execution.

An example usage:

var htmlString = "<div><p>Hello World</p></div>";
var htmlNodes = $.parseHTML(htmlString);

This example parses the htmlString into DOM nodes and appends them to an element with the ID someContainer.

Since parseHTML() does not execute scripts by default, it provides a safer way to handle HTML strings that might contain <script> tags, helping to mitigate Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.

Even though parseHTML() does not execute scripts by default, you should still sanitize the input HTML string to prevent XSS attacks, especially if the HTML is from an untrusted source.