
PERL is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted and dynamic programming language. It comes in multiple versions to support different platforms and has been used by many developers to automate most things as per their industry needs.

It provides an amazing range of text processing features, some of them include — text extraction of any size file while getting the best level of performance, having no arbitrary data length restrictions and provides hassle-free manipulation.

In parallel to other languages, PERL is the most used Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripting. The CGI scripts are programs that are written specifically for web applications. It is used as a popular web server logic as it allows users to complete a request, response lifecycle over the World Wide Web effectively.

The ccript also allows reading a request and sending a file back to the browser. Every web container has a directory Structure that contains website files.

For example, when you type in a URL with a “/index.html” at the end of it, the server sends back the file marked “. index.html.”, but with CGI scripts, when a server receives a request for something more dynamic than just a pre-written page, it actually executes the request via the CGI script and returns the output to the browser.

CGI programming makes servers more than file directories - they’re adaptable as well as very smart file processors.