VB.NET (Visual Basic .NET) is a modern, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft as part of its .NET initiative. It is an evolution of the original Visual Basic language, designed to provide a comprehensive environment for developing software applications on the Windows platform.

VB.NET is fully integrated with the .NET Framework, which provides a vast library of classes and functions for building Windows-based applications, web services, and more. Unlike its predecessor, VB.NET is a fully object-oriented language, supporting concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation, which makes it suitable for large-scale application development.

VB.NET retains the familiar syntax of classic Visual Basic but extends it with new features to support modern programming practices and OOP paradigms. VB.NET code can interoperate seamlessly with code written in other .NET languages, such as C#, due to the common runtime environment of the .NET Framework.

VB.NET is commonly used with Microsoft's integrated development environment (IDE), Visual Studio, which provides tools for designing, coding, testing, and deploying applications. It supports the creation of desktop applications using Windows Forms and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), providing a range of tools for building graphical user interfaces.

VB.NET can be used with ASP.NET, a server-side web application framework, for creating dynamic web pages, web applications, and web services. It offers robust capabilities for database access, using ADO.NET for connectivity with various types of databases.