Data Wrapper

In PHP, the data wrapper is a type of stream wrapper that allows data to be read from or written to a string in the same way as you would with a file. This feature is particularly useful for manipulating data in string format using file handling functions, without the need to create a physical file on the file system.

The data wrapper is commonly used in scenarios where you want to treat a string as a stream resource, which enables you to use PHP's file system functions (like fopen(), fwrite(), fread(), etc.) on data stored in a string.

A data URI using the data wrapper in PHP follows the format:

  • <mediatype> is the MIME type of the data, like text/plain or image/png.
  • base64 is an optional parameter indicating that the data is base64-encoded.
  • <data> is the actual data you want to encode in the URI.

An example of how you might use it:

// Data URI containing plain text
$data = 'data:text/plain;base64,' . base64_encode('Hello, World!');

// Open a stream to the data URI
$stream = fopen($data, 'r');

// Read from the stream
$content = fread($stream, 1024);

// Close the stream

// Output the content
echo $content;  // Outputs: Hello, World!


A simple string 'Hello, World!' is base64-encoded and used to create a data URI. This URI is then opened as a stream, and the content is read back from the stream.

The data wrapper itself in PHP is not inherently vulnerable; however, like any tool, its security depends on how it's used.

The data wrapper is a feature that allows data to be treated as a file or stream, which can be extremely useful, but certain use cases can introduce security risks if not handled properly.

If the data used in a data URI comes from an untrusted source, it must be properly validated and sanitized to avoid security risks such as code injection or cross-site scripting (XSS). This is particularly important when handling HTML, JavaScript, or other types of executable content.

The data wrapper is often used with base64 encoded data. While base64 encoding/decoding itself is not a security risk, it's essential to ensure that the decoded data is safe and expected, especially if it's dynamically generated or derived from user input.

Since the data wrapper allows data to be encoded directly in a URI, there's a potential risk of resource exhaustion if very large data strings are used. This can lead to performance degradation or crashing of the script or server.

When used in a web context (such as embedding images in HTML or CSS), it's important to ensure that the data URIs do not contain malicious content, especially when the content is dynamically generated based on user input or external sources.