Extensible Markup Language (XML)

Extensible Markup Language (XML) lets you define and store data in a shareable manner. XML supports information exchange between computer systems such as websites, databases, and third-party applications. Predefined rules make it easy to transmit data as XML files over any network because the recipient can use those rules to read the data accurately and efficiently.

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that provides rules to define any data. Unlike other programming languages, XML cannot perform computing operations by itself. Instead, any programming language or software can be implemented for structured data management.

For example, consider a text document with comments on it. The comments might give suggestions like these:

  • Make the title bold
  • This sentence is a header
  • This word is the author

Such comments improve the document’s usability without affecting its content. Similarly, XML uses markup symbols to provide more information about any data. Other software, like browsers and data processing applications, use this information to process structured data more efficiently.

An example XML document is:

<title> Learning Amazon Web Services </title>
<author> Mark Wilkins </author>