Microsoft DISCO, in the context of web services, refers to the Discovery of Web Services (DISCO) protocol. This protocol was developed by Microsoft as part of their .NET framework to facilitate the discovery of web services. DISCO is used to publish and locate web services on a network.

DISCO was designed to help developers find web services dynamically. It provides a way to publish information about web services so that other applications can locate and use these services. DISCO uses a combination of XML documents and HTTP requests.

A DISCO document (.disco file) contains information about the web services offered by a particular server, including URLs to the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) documents. These WSDL documents describe the available services, their methods, and how to communicate with them.

Clients use DISCO to send a request to a server, asking for information about the available web services. The server responds with a DISCO document that provides links to the WSDL files for each service. The client can then use these WSDL files to understand how to interact with the services.

DISCO can be used in conjunction with Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI), another standard for publishing and discovering web services. UDDI registries can store DISCO documents, making it easier for clients to find services across different servers and domains.

It's important to note that DISCO is considered a legacy protocol in the context of web services. Modern web service discovery and description are more commonly handled using other protocols and standards, such as WSDL, RESTful APIs, and other service description languages.