
Clickjacking is an interface-based attack in which a user is tricked into clicking on actionable content on a hidden website by clicking on some other content in a decoy website. Consider the following example:

A web user accesses a decoy website (perhaps this is a link provided by an email) and clicks on a button to win a prize. Unknowingly, they have been deceived by an attacker into pressing an alternative hidden button and this results in the payment of an account on another site.

This is an example of a clickjacking attack.

The technique depends upon the incorporation of an invisible, actionable web page (or multiple pages) containing a button or hidden link, say, within an iframe. The iframe is overlaid on top of the user's anticipated decoy web page content.

This attack differs from a Cross-Site Request Forgery attack in that the user is required to perform an action such as a button click whereas a CSRF attack depends upon forging an entire request without the user's knowledge or input.