Common Weaknesses Enumeration (CWE)

Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) is a community-developed list of common software and hardware weakness types that have security implications. It serves as a common language for describing software security weaknesses in architecture, design, or code, and provides a standard measuring stick for software security tools and services.

CWE provides a unified, standardized list of common security weaknesses. This helps organizations and developers to identify, discuss, and remediate software vulnerabilities in a consistent manner. Weaknesses in the CWE list are categorized and organized in various ways, such as by the nature of the weakness, its impact, or where in the software development lifecycle it typically appears. This categorization aids in understanding and addressing different types of vulnerabilities effectively.

CWE is used as a basis for identifying, mitigating, and preventing software weaknesses. It's an essential tool for developers, security professionals, educators, and tools vendors in the realm of software security. Along with listing weaknesses, CWE often provides information on how these weaknesses can be mitigated or avoided, helping developers and organizations to build more secure software.

Many security tools, such as static code analysis tools, use the CWE list to help identify weaknesses in software. It is also used in cybersecurity training and education to provide a framework for discussing common security issues.

CWE is often used in conjunction with other security standards and lists, such as the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system and the OWASP Top Ten, to provide a comprehensive approach to security vulnerability management.

The CWE list is maintained and continuously updated by a broad community of industry practitioners, tool vendors, researchers, and other stakeholders in the cybersecurity field. This community involvement ensures that the list stays relevant and up-to-date with the evolving landscape of software security.