Website Defacing

Website defacing is a type of cyber attack where an attacker alters the visual appearance of a website or a webpage. This is typically done by modifying the site's content, replacing the original page with one created by the attacker, often for malicious purposes, political statements, or simply as an act of vandalism.

Attackers gain unauthorized access to a web server, often exploiting security vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), or using stolen File Transfer Protocol|FTP (File Transfer Protocol) credentials.

The visible content of the website is altered. This might include changing text, images, layouts, or adding new elements. In some cases, the entire website might be replaced with a different page.

The reasons behind such attacks vary. Some attackers do it to make a political statement, others for notoriety or to demonstrate their hacking skills, and some may have malicious intent like spreading misinformation or harming the reputation of the targeted organization.