Network Access Control (NAC)

Network Access Control (NAC) is a security solution that enforces policy-based controls on devices seeking to access network resources. NAC systems are designed to prevent unauthorized access, enforce security compliance, and protect networks from potential threats posed by non-compliant or infected devices.

NAC systems authenticate devices trying to connect to the network, ensuring that only authorized devices can access network resources. This authentication can be based on credentials, device type, user identity, or a combination of factors.

NAC enforces security policies across the network. For instance, it can ensure that devices have the latest antivirus updates, required software patches, or specific configurations before allowing access.

Based on the authentication and policy checks, NAC systems grant, deny, or limit the level of network access to devices. This can include full access, restricted access to certain resources, or quarantine in a separate network area.

NAC systems can continuously monitor and assess the security posture of devices on the network, ensuring ongoing compliance with security policies.

NAC allows organizations to securely manage guest access, providing limited access for visitors while protecting the internal network.

NAC systems often integrate with other security technologies like Firewall|firewalls, intrusion prevention systems (IPS), and Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)|security information and event management (SIEM) systems for enhanced network security.

NAC provides visibility into the devices connected to the network, including type, ownership, and compliance status, which is crucial for network management and security. In case of detection of non-compliance or a security threat, NAC systems can automatically respond by restricting a device’s network access or quarantining it for remediation.

NAC can enforce role-based access controls, ensuring users and devices can only access network resources relevant to their role or department.

NAC systems are applicable to both wired and wireless networks, providing comprehensive security coverage.