
In the context of cybersecurity and web app hacking, "risk" refers to the potential for loss, damage, or undesirable outcomes resulting from threats exploiting vulnerabilities in a system.

Cybersecurity risk is the probability of exposure or loss resulting from a cyber attack or data breach on your organization. A better, more encompassing definition is the potential loss or harm related to technical infrastructure, use of technology or reputation of an organization.

It combines various things including:

  • Threats - These are actors or events that can potentially cause harm. In cybersecurity, threats can be hackers, malware, or any other method or tool used to exploit vulnerabilities.
  • Vulnerabilities - These are weaknesses in a system that can be exploited by threats. In web apps, vulnerabilities might include flaws in code, insecure database connections, or insufficient authentication procedures.
  • Impact - This is the consequence of a threat exploiting a vulnerability. The impact can range from minor issues, like a slight slowdown in web app performance, to major problems like data breaches, financial loss, or damage to an organization's reputation.
  • Likelihood - This is the probability of a threat successfully exploiting a vulnerability. Factors influencing likelihood include the complexity of the vulnerability, the skill level of the threat actor, and the effectiveness of existing security measures.

Risk in cybersecurity is often expressed as a function of the impact and likelihood of a threat exploiting a vulnerability. It's a measure of the potential harm that could occur due to security weaknesses. Managing risk involves identifying and assessing these elements, and then implementing measures to mitigate them, such as improving security protocols, patching vulnerabilities, and educating users about safe practices.