
CUPP (Common User Passwords Profiler) is a Python tool used for generating potential password lists for targeted attacks in penetration testing or ethical hacking scenarios. It's designed to create personalized wordlists based on information about the target individual or organization.

By utilizing known information about the target, such as their name, date of birth, pet names, and other personal details, CUPP can generate a list of potential passwords that are more likely to succeed in brute-force or dictionary attacks.

The tool asks for various personal details about the target (such as names, birthdates, hobbies, etc.) and incorporates them into the generated wordlist. Users can customize the wordlist generation process by adding specific words or phrases that might be relevant to the target.

CUPP usually operates in an interactive mode, prompting the user to input relevant data about the target. It offers configuration options to include common password variations, like adding numbers or special characters to base words.

In ethical hacking, CUPP is used to simulate attacker behavior and test the strength of passwords against personalized attacks. An example usage of CUPP might involve the following steps:

  1. Gathering Information: Collecting known personal information about the target.
  2. Running CUPP: Executing the tool, inputting the gathered information when prompted.
  3. Generating the Wordlist: CUPP processes the input and generates a wordlist tailored to the target's personal information.
  4. Using the Wordlist: The resulting wordlist can then be used with other tools (like John the Ripper or Hydra) for password cracking tests.