
LFIFreak is a specialized tool designed for exploiting Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerabilities. LFI vulnerabilities are security weaknesses in web applications where an attacker can include files located on the web server into the output of a given application. These vulnerabilities can be exploited to read sensitive files from the server, leading to information disclosure and potentially more severe security breaches.

LFIFreak is specifically designed to target and exploit Local File Inclusion vulnerabilities in web applications. Tools like LFIFreak typically provide automated means to test and exploit LFI vulnerabilities, making it easier to identify and demonstrate the presence of these vulnerabilities in a web application.

LFIFreak may include various techniques to exploit LFI vulnerabilities effectively, such as trying different traversal sequences, using null byte injections (in cases where this is still effective), or employing other methods to bypass filters and access restricted files.

The primary use of such a tool is to read and exfiltrate sensitive data from the server, like system files, configuration files, or other data accessible through the file system.