
Impacket's GetNPUsers is a Python script included in the Impacket suite that is specifically designed for querying a domain controller in a Microsoft Active Directory environment to obtain Kerberos Ticket Granting Tickets (TGTs) for accounts that do not require Kerberos pre-authentication. This script is useful in the context of penetration testing, particularly for an attack known as AS-REP Roasting.

AS-REP Roasting is an attack targeting accounts in an Active Directory environment that have the "Do not require Kerberos pre-authentication" option set. When this setting is enabled for an account, it's possible to request a Kerberos TGT for the account without needing to supply a valid password. The TGT can be encrypted with weak encryption or encryption that can be cracked offline, potentially exposing the user's credentials.

GetNPUsers attempts to get the TGTs for those user accounts in a [[Domain Controller]] that do not require pre-authentication. The script can be executed with a list of users or can query all users in a domain.

The basic usage of GetNPUsers might look like this:

python <DOMAIN>/<USERNAME> -no-pass
  • Replace <DOMAIN>/<USERNAME> with the appropriate domain and username. The -no-pass option is used when no password is provided.
  • If successful, the script will output the Kerberos TGTs for accounts not requiring pre-authentication. These TGTs can then potentially be cracked offline.