
RSMangler is a tool used in cybersecurity, particularly in the field of penetration testing and ethical hacking. It's designed to take a list of words (like usernames, passwords, or other identifiers) and generate a set of permutations and variations based on common techniques used by attackers in brute force attacks, password guessing, and dictionary attacks.

RSMangler takes an initial wordlist and applies various mangling rules to each word to create a more comprehensive list of potential passwords. It includes common password creation techniques such as:

  • Adding numbers (like 1, 123) at the beginning or end of words.
  • Capitalizing words.
  • Doubling words.
  • Reversing words.
  • Leet speak conversions (e.g., replacing 'e' with '3', 'a' with '4', etc.)

Users can typically select which mangling rules to apply, depending on their specific needs or the target's likely password policies.

In penetration testing, RSMangler helps in creating comprehensive wordlists that mirror the techniques users often employ to create 'complex' passwords. These wordlists can then be used with password cracking tools like John the Ripper or Hashcat.

When specific information about a target (like their favorite sports team, birthdate, pet names) is known, these details can be included in the initial wordlist, and RSMangler will apply its rules to generate a more targeted set of potential passwords.

An example command may be:

rsmangler --file base_words.txt --output mangled_words.txt