
XXEInjector is a tool designed for penetration testers and security researchers to exploit XML External Entity (XXE) vulnerabilities in web applications. XXE vulnerabilities occur when an XML parser processes XML input containing a reference to an external entity, leading to unauthorized access to server data, denial of service, or server-side request forgery.

XXEInjector automates the process of exploiting XXE vulnerabilities. It can be used to test whether a web application is vulnerable to XXE attacks and to what extent. The tool supports different types of XXE attacks, including retrieving files, performing SSRF (Server-Side Request Forgery) attacks, listing directories, and more.

XXEInjector can handle various techniques like classic XXE, blind XXE, and even out-of-band (OOB) XXE, where the XML parser sends data to an attacker-controlled server. The tool allows customization of XML payloads to test different attack scenarios and parser configurations.