Connect HTTP Method

The CONNECT [[HTTP Protocol|HTTP]] method is used by the HTTP/1.1 protocol to establish a tunnel to a server identified by a given URI. It's primarily used for establishing connections that are then upgraded to [[TLS]] (Transport Layer Security), such as when a client communicates with an [[HTTPS Protocol |HTTPS]] server through an HTTP [[proxy]].

The CONNECT method is used to request that an intermediary (such as a proxy) establish a tunnel connection to the target server. For example, when a client wants to securely connect to an HTTPS website through an HTTP proxy, it sends a CONNECT request to the proxy with the hostname and port number of the HTTPS server.


Once the tunnel is established, the client can start a [[TLS handshake]] with the target server through the proxy, allowing secure communication.

Malicious users can potentially use the CONNECT method to bypass network restrictions or access controls by tunneling through proxies. For instance, they might access restricted websites or services through a corporate proxy.

If a web application includes a proxy server functionality, failing to properly restrict or monitor the use of the CONNECT method can lead to abuse. Attackers might use the proxy server to mask their IP address or conduct illegal activities. An attacker could use CONNECT to facilitate [[Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack|man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks]], intercepting and possibly altering communications between a client and a server.