Delete HTTP Method

The DELETE [[HTTP Verbs|HTTP method]] is used in web development as part of the [[HTTP protocol]] to request the removal of a specific resource identified by a URL. It's one of the methods defined by the HTTP/1.1 specification and is commonly used in [[REST APIs|RESTful APIs]] and web services.

The primary purpose of the DELETE method is to request that the server delete the resource located at the specified URL. Like GET and PUT methods, DELETE is idempotent, meaning multiple identical requests should have the same effect as a single request.

When a server receives a DELETE request, it deletes the resource and usually returns a status code indicating the outcome (e.g., 200 OK for successful deletion, 404 Not Found if the resource doesn’t exist, etc.).

If access controls are not properly implemented, an attacker might exploit the DELETE method to remove critical data or resources. For instance, without proper authorization checks, an attacker could send a DELETE request to a URL like and potentially delete user data.

Insecure implementation of the DELETE method could lead to accidental or intentional data loss, impacting the integrity and availability of the application's data. Like other HTTP methods, inputs (such as URL parameters) in DELETE requests should be validated to prevent injection attacks or unintended actions.