
Handlebars is a popular templating language used in web development. It provides a simple and expressive way to create templates for dynamic [[HTML]] generation. Handlebars templates are logic-less, meaning they focus on the structure and presentation of the content without incorporating programming logic directly within the templates.

Handlebars uses a syntax similar to Mustache, another templating language. The syntax involves using double curly braces ({{ and }}) to enclose placeholders or expressions that will be replaced with actual values during template rendering.


<p>{{ name }}</p>

Variables can be inserted into templates using the {{ variable }} syntax. These variables are replaced with actual values when the template is rendered.


<p>{{ user.name }}</p>

Handlebars allows the use of simple expressions and helpers for more complex operations. These expressions are enclosed in double curly braces.


<p>{{ add x y }}</p>

Handlebars provides the {{#each}} block helper for iterating over arrays or objects. It allows developers to loop through data and generate repetitive HTML structures.


{{#each items}}
  <p>{{ this }}</p>

Handlebars supports conditional rendering using the {{#if}} block helper. It allows developers to conditionally include or exclude content based on logical conditions.


{{#if isAdmin}}
  <p>Welcome, admin!</p>
  <p>Welcome, user!</p>

Handlebars is often used with [[JavaScript]] and can be seamlessly integrated into various web development frameworks. It promotes the separation of concerns by keeping logic outside of the templates and is known for its simplicity and ease of use. Additionally, Handlebars templates are compatible with a wide range of server-side and client-side JavaScript environments.