
Mustache is a logic-less templating system designed to be simple, expressive, and widely applicable across various programming languages. It serves as a lightweight and easy-to-understand templating solution for embedding dynamic content within static templates.

Mustache intentionally avoids including programming logic in its templates. It doesn't support conditional statements, loops, or complex operations. Instead, it focuses on data interpolation.

Mustache uses tags to denote placeholders in the template that will be replaced with actual data during rendering. Tags are enclosed by curly braces ({{ and }}). The syntax of Mustache is minimal and easy to understand. It consists mainly of tags for variable substitution, sections, and inverted sections.

Variables are inserted into the template using double curly braces. For example, {{name}} might be replaced with the value of the "name" variable. Sections are used for conditionally rendering blocks of content based on the existence or truthiness of a variable. Sections are denoted by the {{#section}}...{{/section}} syntax.

Inverted sections are used to conditionally render content when a variable is false or undefined. They are denoted by the {{^inverted_section}}...{{/inverted_section}} syntax. Mustache supports partials, which allow templates to include and reuse other templates. Partials are denoted by the {{> partial_name}} syntax.

Mustache is designed to be whitespace-insensitive, meaning that whitespace around tags is generally ignored. Mustache templates can be used in various programming languages, making them portable and versatile.

Mustache has implementations in numerous programming languages, including [[JavaScript]], [[Ruby]], [[Python]], [[Java]], and more. This enables developers to use the same templates across different parts of their application stack.

Mustache's simplicity and flexibility make it a popular choice for templating in scenarios where a lightweight and logic-less approach is desired. It is commonly used in web development for rendering [[HTML]] templates, as well as in other contexts where data needs to be dynamically inserted into text-based templates.