
sessionStorage is a web storage feature provided by modern web browsers that allows web applications to store data as key-value pairs within the user's browser session. This data is accessible only on the same tab, and unlike [[LocalStorage]], it gets cleared when the tab or browser is closed.

sessionStorage is part of the [[Web Storage API]], along with localStorage, providing a more secure and efficient way to handle data on the client side compared to traditional [[cookies]].

Data stored in sessionStorage is available only within the tab in which it was set. Opening a new tab or window with the same URL will have a separate sessionStorage space. The data in sessionStorage is cleared when the tab or browser window is closed. It's not persistent like localStorage.

Access to sessionStorage is restricted to the same origin (same scheme, host, and port), providing a degree of security against cross-origin data access. sessionStorage typically allows more data to be stored compared to cookies (usually at least 5MB per origin).

sessionStorage is ideal for storing temporary data that should only persist for the duration of a page session, like user choices or form data within a single tab. It can be used to store state in [[Single Page Applications|SPAs]] where the state should not persist after the tab is closed.

An example usage may be:

// Storing data in sessionStorage
sessionStorage.setItem('key', 'value');

// Retrieving data from sessionStorage
let data = sessionStorage.getItem('key');

// Removing data from sessionStorage

// Clearing all data from sessionStorage for the current tab

In this [[JavaScript]] example, data is stored in sessionStorage using setItem, retrieved with getItem, removed with removeItem, and all data in sessionStorage can be cleared with clear.

There are a couple of differences between this and localStorage:

  • Persistence: localStorage data persists even when the browser is closed and reopened, while sessionStorage is cleared after the tab or browser is closed.
  • Scope: Data in localStorage is accessible across all tabs and windows within the same origin, while sessionStorage data is limited to the tab where it was created.