
The X-Forwarded-IP header, much like the [[X-Forwarded-For]] (XFF) header, is an [[HTTP Headers|HTTP header]] used in web traffic. However, it's important to note that X-Forwarded-IP is not a standard header and might not be consistently recognized or used. In environments where it is used, it typically serves the same purpose as the XFF header - to identify the original IP address of a client when the request goes through [[Proxy|proxies]] or [[Load Balancer|load balancers]].

If implemented, the X-Forwarded-IP header would be used to record the IP address of the client making a request to a web server through a proxy or load balancer, much like the X-Forwarded-For header. In practice, when a client sends a request to a server via a proxy, the proxy may add the client’s original IP address in the X-Forwarded-IP header before forwarding the request.

Since X-Forwarded-IP is not a widely recognized standard, its usage in penetration testing would depend on whether the target system implements and respects this header. If it does, then its potential uses are similar to X-Forwarded-For:

  1. IP Spoofing: A pentester might modify the X-Forwarded-IP header to simulate requests from different IP addresses, testing how the server or application responds to these changes and whether IP-based security controls can be bypassed.
  2. Bypassing Security Filters: If the application or server uses the X-Forwarded-IP for access control or rate limiting, modifying this header could help in bypassing these restrictions.
  3. Identifying Misconfigurations and Flaws: The presence and handling of an X-Forwarded-IP header could reveal misconfigurations in the server or application, especially if it blindly trusts the header without proper validation.
  4. Testing Logging and Monitoring: Altering the X-Forwarded-IP header can help in assessing whether monitoring and logging mechanisms are accurately recording client IP addresses and detecting potential header manipulations.